Pumpkin Night resumes publication


Seems Pumpkin Night will be back in time for Halloween as the series has been transferred over to MangaLine. They’ve released the first two chapters through their reader wherein it’ll be updated once a week, putting chapter 15 around Halloween time. This is great news though it’s still taken forever to get to this point considering it’s been over a year since chapter 14 came out.


Masaya Hokazono also said on his twitter that he’s got four volumes planned so hopefully that means much more chapters. Though one’s got to wonder if his split from takeshobo/webcomicgamma is what caused the series to go on haitus as I don’t think anybody actually got a proper answer considering even the artist
Taniguchi Seima had no idea what was going on.

6 thoughts on “Pumpkin Night resumes publication

  1. Well and it seems the manga got a director cut. There are new extra pages in each chapter. For example the Police woman killings also expanded. You will be translate these extended versions too?


    1. Well I’m going to need scans of those new chapters before I can do anything. Also considering they are locked behind an APP that requires a Japanese phone number to use I doubt we’ll get them anytime soon.


      1. Maybe some japanese scanners get their scans soon. I already seen some new page in the net. So there is scans. I hope.


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